Create a Slack Webhook

Learn how to send Activity Log events to a Slack channel.


  • Access permissions to create an Incoming WebHook for your Slack workspace.
  • Configu Cloud organization with admin permissions

Create a Slack Incoming WebHook

For this integration to work, you'll need a Slack Incoming WebHook. Browse to that URL and follow the steps.

Get your target payload URL which looks something like this: The standard way is by enabling incoming webhooks on a custom app you installed on your Slack workspace and creating a webhook as such:


Create a Configu Webhook

  1. Browse to the Webhooks page (/integrations/webhooks) in your Confgu Cloud organization.
  2. Create a new webhook using the Slack Payload URL you obtained in the previous step.
  3. Customize your payload to include a text property with some message, and then click Create. Explore the Full Webhooks documentation.

Example result:
